Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Instructional: How to Pass A Road Test

1. Adjust the seat so that your feet touch the pedals, and you are about an arms length away from the steering wheel. Also adjust the mirrors.
2. Put your seatbelt on.
3. Start your vehicle, put it into drive or reverse, and release the hand breaks.
4. Do a 360 degree check to make sure your surroundings are clear so you can drive. Check your mirrors to make sure nothing is behind your or beside you.
5. At a stop sign, come to a complete stop just before the white line, check each side, left and right to make sure it's clear, slowy move ahead. When its clear, Go
6. When making a left turn, move your vehicle up so that your side mirrors line up to the sidewalk or the second white crosswalk line. When it is clear to go, shoulder check to the left and proceed to make your turn.
7. When lane changing, check your mirrors to see if any vehicle is behind you, put your signal on left or right ( depending on which side you want to change into ) and then do a shoulder check to the right or left. If there is a vehicle behind you, check your mirrors, and put your signal on. If the vehicle doesnt let you into the lane, stop the signal, wait a few seconds until the vehicle passes and do all the steps over again.
8. Two Point Turn: When making a two point turn, park your vehicle on the side of the road. Back your vehicle up until the back of it is lined up with the side of the driveway or alley. Do a 360 check. Turn your wheel all the way to the right and slowly back up into the alley or driveway. When you are parallet with the alley, straighten your wheel. Carefully look each way to see if any pedestrian is coming, when clear, put your vehicle in forward and make the turn.
9. Hazards: During the road test, the instructor will tell you to pull over to the side of the road and ask you to list about 8 hazards on the road. Some hazards could be: pedestrians, pets, shadows, moving or parked vehicles, and many others.
10. Stall Parking: To stall park, you must be in the middle of the parking lot. Line your vehicle to the first yellow/white line for the empty park. Move ahead until you reach the third line. Put your vehicle in reverse, do a 360, and turn your wheels once to the left/right. Slowly back up into the park.

Once you have completed all this, You SHOULD PASS

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